
Concerto for Forest and Orchestra, Op.7

Título alternativo Concerto for Forest and Orchestra 2007
CompositorKeith Perreur-Lloyd
EditoraKeith Perreur-Lloyd
Gênero Clássico / Sinfonia musical
Instrumentação Flauta, Flauta piccolo, Clarinete, Oboé, Corneta Alto, Trombone, Trombeta, Tuba, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Sinos tubulares, Timbales, Címbalos, Clarinete baixo
Composição paraOrquestra Sinfônica
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
duração 20'43"
dificuldade Advanced
Ano de composição 2007
ZENO ALMA - Harpist & Composer
Before I entered into the Forest of Sonus I sat in the dark to accentuate your desired effect before listening to Concerto For Forest & Orchestra. Insects, bugs, birds chirping, scampering critters on the forest floor, leaves falling and even foliage growing, and with every footstep broken twigs, until finally the Sun Beams coming through the canopy and then vanishing again unable to penetrate the dense forest.

You are a fascinating composer creating rich melodic textures, strata within strata of melodic passages of instrumentation.

I really enjoyed the way you employed the Timpanis. They created great depth of sound to your works and you really have an understanding for their use.

data de postagem 13 set 2010

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(144 p.)


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